Call Karen now +44 7956 674146
Motivational Speaker
Personal Growth Specialist, Author, and Inspirational speaker.
Karen Asemper is a sought after inspirational speaker. Trusted to deliver transformational keynotes to engage the audience, give them food for thought and set them on course for another stage of their journey.
Are you self-aware? What are your core values? Karen shows you that it is not about adversity but how you respond to a situation. Through mindset, being resilient, able to adapt and manage change and stress, and constantly challenge yourself.
Karen’s keynote presentations are for audiences of all sizes. Her keynote is a powerful vision into her own journey which reveals life changing events and insights which include adaptable take aways on how to stand strong in your own resilience and how you can find it. Karen regularly appears on the BBC and Leeds TV expressing her own opinions on resilience and transformational coaching.
Today as a successful Inspirational Speaker and Resilience Coach, Karen share the knowledge and skills she has developed to help your colleagues or your client group to unlock their potential and start living the life we all thought was impossible.
Karen acknowledges that not enough of us achieve our dreams or create the lives we imagined;
“Stuck in a rut". What a cliché - what a truth!
How many of your people feel trapped in some way by the daily grind? Their minds restricted by shackles and constraints; mortgage, unhappy relationships, negative mindset and even addiction – it can feel like a lead weight around your neck holding back the real you, the one you want to be?
Most of us cling on just to survive. What would the motivation to be who we want to be look like? What about those dreams we once had now abandoned after the roller coaster that life threw at us? Firstly with-over 17 years of experience working with people as a coach, Karen has developed unique, effective systems that help individuals leap beyond barriers as they increase their personal growth, confidence and professional performance. Karen delivers dynamic keynote presentations which typically fall within a 30-minute to 45-minute time frame.
Why do people hire her? Because she can show you how to make life happen with the right amount of resilience, realising who you are, removing the unauthentic mask we all tend to wear, finding out your values and core beliefs which at times can only take someone from the outside to see.
Karen can help your people to recognise that these barriers they may be hiding behind are not immovable mountains. Lying right there in amongst the darkness can truly come the most beautiful insights if only they knew how to reach it.
To stand In your truth is presenting the human you were always sent to be to the world.
Karen Asemper

School Speaker
Inspire Your Students
Karen captures and holds the attention of students, which inspires and provokes mind-set change. The most unreachable students’ attention will be held during Karen’s keynote as she tells her story in a way it can resonate with everyone.
Hailing from the northeast Karen is a down to earth girl who draws on her life experience to empower and transform her audience’s mind-set. Potential is within every one of us and Karen helps you realise this for yourself. It was Karen’s English teacher who advised her if she didn’t end up performing she would be wasting her life. Karen took this advice and has never looked back, recently playing Mandy Wallace in ITV’s Cold Feet.